Why Darts 31 October 2014

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FRIDAY, 31 October 2014 Why Darts night saw some decent darts thrown at the New Cowboy Bar and everyone there had a lot of fun. Our good friend Otto joined us again and his friend David joined us in playing darts for the first time. Welcome to Why Darts night David! It was decided to put OTTO/ DAVID/ BENNETT on one team and JOHNNY/ TIA/ CW (MAI played when Tia had to work off and on, thank you Mai) were on the other team. In the first game, David showed us that he was a steady scorer and he also closed 42 with a single 2 then double-20. Way to go David! The second game saw Bennett throw a 103 score, but it was not enough as CW checked out on double-16 to even the match at 1-1. The third game was a little slow on checking but Bennett took the point for his team by closing 4 with a single 2 then double-1 to make it a 2-1 match. In the fourth game of the match, Tia showed us how to play darts by checking out on a double-4 to even the match. Good darts Tia! With the match now all even at 2-2 starting the fifth game, Tia told the players on her team that it was time to make a move on winning the match and promptly threw a 101 score, then Johnny stepped up to the oche and checked out on double-6 to make it a 3-2 match in favor of his team. The sixth game of the match was a little slow on closing again until CW finally checked out on double-1 to extend his team’s lead to 4-2. In game seven, Tia said it was time to put this match in the archives and fearing her wrath, CW (to his relief) lucked out and closed out on a double-5 to give their team a 5-2 advantage in the match. That is how this night of Why Darts finished. With their 5-2 score in this match, Johnny’s team won the much sought after Why Darts Trophy on this night of Why Darts. Tia was chosen as the Most Valuable Player (MVP) of the match. Way to go Tia!! This was another fun night of Why Darts with good friends, good darts and good times, at a good bar. If you are a beginner to intermediate darts player, get along well with others and just want to have some fun (fun being the key objective), come join us for FRIDAY night Why Darts at New Cowboy Bar & Restaurant, Sukhumvit Soi 22. As always, looking forward to the next WHY DARTS match on FRIDAY, 7 November 2014. CW

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