Soft-tip VS Steel-tip Darts by Johnny

Greetings from the “Land of Smiles” & “Happy Songkran” as we near the end of the holiday here in Bangkok. If you’ve never heard of Songkran – it’s the popular Thai Water Festival – traditionally celebrated by paying reverence to elders by pouring a bit of water representing purification and the washing away of one’s sins and bad luck. But now days it’s major water fights on all popular streets which does attract a major number of tourists as well as Thais.

As I now sit high-and-dry in me apartment and intellectually enhanced after a ‘few’ glasses of 100 Pipers Scotch & water – whilst smoking a fine cigar – I am still perplexed by this question:

Steel-tip VS Soft-tip Darts – – Allies or Adversaries?

My motive is not is not to create division or controversy among darts players – but an understanding or at least respect of each others “type” of darts. Below are some of the major talking points I still hear discussed and would like to invite you to voice your ‘polite’ opinion on our DT FaceBook Discussion Page. CLICK HERE

1) Do you play both soft-tip and steel-tip darts? Why or why not?

2) Do you consider soft-tip an easier or equal skill level as steel-tip?

3) Does soft-tip or steel-tip attract more new and or younger players?

4) Do a significant number soft-tip players eventually give steel-tip a try?

5) Are potential new steel-tip players put off by having to know basic maths?

6) Are all coin operated soft-tip darts assumed to be only gambling devices?

7) Are soft-tip or steel-tip darts players ‘better consumers’ of alcoholic libations?

NOTE – As I usually miss the mark in my articles suggested discussion points – please feel free to include any important points you feel that I’ve overlooked. REMEMBER – DT is not beholding to any advertiser as we have none. Nor are we part of any soft-tip or steel-tip darts association, organization or league. HOWEVER – we are not here to provide a platform to slam or slander any company or group. BUT – any legitimate critique or criticism you may have and presented in a civil manner is welcome.

As some of you know – our much respected CEO of DT – Miss Phoebe has sadly passed on. Her successor as CEO of DT is Ms. Sierra – a totally non-nonsense – ‘lead-by-example’ – individual dedicated to the promotion of darts. As Ms. Sierra continually gains weight in the international darts community – we are always reminded of of her leadership basic philosophy. “Lead – Follow or Get the Hell Out of the Way.” – –  We at DT are here for – YOU – the darts player !

Johnny Witkowski

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