DT’s St. Pat’s Past Pics by Johnny

Greetings and Happy Saint Patrick’s Day to all dart players around the world. May your darts fly true & your “beverages” flow freely. It’s not every day that we get to gather with friends – knock back a “few” brews and participate in some friendly darts games. Well – actually it is here in the “Land of Smiles” – except for a few Buddhist holidays that prohibit alcohol sales.

The theme of this year’s Saint Patrick’s Day Report is Past Pics – photographs from our DT photo library from the past. Are all these past photos from exactly on 17 March? I can personally assure you that the word “exact” is rarely (never) associated with anything on DT. These pics were shot on or about the actual St. Pat’s Day.

We use the past pics theme quit a bit as it’s enjoyed by many folks following us. We certainly hope that these pics bring back some fond memories for you. So many of our regulars have moved on – some to new location and others that have sadly passed on. If you’ve got a comment or additional story to add to any of these pics – please feel free to share with us. We’d especially like to hear from any of you that we haven’t heard from in a while. You can do that on our FaceBook Discussion Page (link below) where this article with pics will be posted in addition to the DT website. – Johnny – DartsThailand.com

Darts Thailand FB Discussion Page

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