Holiday Greetings from Darts Thailand by Johnny

Season’s Greetings to all you darts players world-wide that follow us here at DT. Your patronage is certainly much appreciated. Hard to believe that yet another year has gone by so quickly. As with every passing year, we’ve lost a few along the way but would like family members know that those departed are fondly remembered within our darts communities. And let’s not forget the gratitude we owe to those who provide us our safe environments to enjoy playing darts – our servicemen & servicewomen in uniform around the world and the continued sacrifices they make on our behalf.

What will the year 2020 bring here on DT? – – “Responsible & Up-to-date Reporting on Darts Events and News throughout Thailand.” – – Ah okay – – I will admit that me Dear Mum – the lovely Eleanor is now angry reading this on her I-Pad & messaging me to stop lying. Okay Mom, I will ‘attempt’ to become responsible & more timely on my promises. BTW – I know an affable 90-plus-year-young lady who is happy to “show you” how to play darts !

On the 2020 horizon – DT will finally publish a current Bangkok Darts Venue List including both steel-tip & soft-tip venues. Admittedly this list will be out-of-date as soon as it’s published. But again – we’ll do our best to update the all too frequent openings and closings. Now days soft-tip venues greatly outnumber steel-tip venues in Bangkok. As a general but accurate overview – younger soft-tip darts players are far more likely to cross over to steel-tip than vice versa. So our beloved game of darts has a lot more to be currently thankful to our soft-tip brothers & sisters in the overall promoting of darts.

A special shout out to you dart venues who run regular weekly darts events. Attracting a darts crowd and maintaining interest on a regular basis is no easy task. Your events are enjoyed not only by your regular customers but those visiting darts players. We post adverts for all known weekly events on our FB Discussion Page – ( If you run a weekly darts event – let us know and we’ll be happy to help you get the word out.

So as a New Years Resolution is there any chance DT will improve on getting notices for upcoming darts events posted earlier? No – actually little if any chance. Admittedly we’ve dropped the ball on a few announcements but the sad truth is that we publish information as soon as we learn of it.

In closing let me wish you very Merry Christmas and best wishes for a Happy & Healthy New Year. – Johnny Witkowski –


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