Volume  017


June / July 2008



12  July  8 PM at The Moonshine Pub

  Yap - captain of the Penang Sports Club Darts Section will be here with a team of a dozen players for a challenge match with our Bangkok players. Each year they organize an exploratory trip oversea to meet fellow darters and include a short holiday. Their group normally consists of 12 to 15 players (30% females) and level or standard - club darters.

The main event will be Saturday 12 July - 8 PM at the Moonshine Pub, Sukhumvit Soi 22. Yap and his group will be arriving on Friday and wish to play some darts on Friday as well. Saturday is the main event but if your schedule allows - come out for some darts on Friday as well. Look forward to seeing all on Saturday and as many that can make it on Friday as well. To visit the Penang Sports Club's website  CLICK HERE



  Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) will hold a tournament on 26 & 27 July at EGAT. I am still waiting for more specific information - Schedule & Entry Fee / Prize Information. When they send this information I'll will post it on our forum. If the format is like their last event there were team competitions (4 person) and singles competition for both ladies and men. If you're unfamiliar with EGAT dart tournaments the Schedule & Entry Fee / Prize Information from their 2007 tournament may give you and idea  CLICK HERE

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand
Bangkruai Nonthaburi 11130
Telephone No. 66 2436 0000
Fax No. 66 2436 4723

Website: www.egat.co.th

Darts Thailand presents Miss Ka

Darts Thailand presents Miss Ka

July's Darter of the Month
The Voluptuous Miss Ka

Darts Thailand presents Miss Ka
No lack of really talented darts players at the Silver Dollar Bar - well maybe not the guys playing on their team but more so their gals and especially Miss Ka.  A Political Science Major with a knack for web page design - Ka is now rebuilding the bar's website - a way over due task started and never completed by a few of their inept dart team players.


Darts Thailand presents Miss KaDarts Thailand presents Miss Ka


Darts Thailand presents Miss Ka


Darts Thailand presents Miss Ka

Darts Thailand presents Miss Ka

Darts Thailand presents Miss Ka



  The Silver Dollar Bar is not unlike those trendy Hollywood bars that celebrities frequent. I get a call from Ned, SD Bar's in-house darts pro telling me to come over that Howie Reed is there. Any boxing fan is familiar with Howie's writing and darters with his darts writing. After a few beers talking about when Howie was doing darts tournaments here he gets a phone call and says a friend of his will be by. Sure enough a few minutes later his friend Stefan Lord shows up. It was a great night of conversation with a master of the game and I of course took the opportunity to ask Stefan for an interview which he gladly agreed to. For those of you new to darts - here's the Wikipedia link with Stefan's bio  CLICK HERE  

Darts Thailand interview with Stefan LordDT) How long have you been coming to
Thailand? Stefan)
I came to Thailand the first time in 1977 with Nicky Virachkul  (whom you know of, I guess) for holiday after the world masters in London. We visited his home in Lampang and also played some darts in Pattaya and BKK. After that I came back nearly every year at least once, all tournaments in New Zeeland and Australia required a stop in Thailand.

The last 10 years I have spent the Swedish winter - 3 months here - and now since I have retired I will spend at least 9-10 month here. The Swedish winter is not so much fun. I retired from big time darts in 91-92 and opened a restaurant - JoLo & C0 with 20 pool tables and 12 dartboards in Stockholm. I worked there full time until last year when I sold and retired. I play in the league in Pattaya for fun sometimes for ROXY BAR - it’s a Swedish bar of course.

DT) And what differences do you see in our darts here over that time? Stefan) It seems that darts were more serious 10-20 years ago. Now I only see darts played for fun and to draw customers to bars. No Thailand Open, Pattaya Open no Thais in the World Cup etc. etc.

DT) Is there anything you see as unique about darts in Thailand? Stefan) Maybe it's unique that it seems impossible to get an organization that can run darts in Thailand. After more then 30 years and many have tried but greed, jealousy and corruption always seems to win.

Stefan Lord - Silver Dollar Ned - Howie ReedDT) What changes do you see that would improve the popularity and quality of darts in Thailand? Stefan) A major sponsor and someone that wants to work for the love of darts and, NO greed NO jealousy and NO corruption.

DT) In general, how would you rate our dart venues, throw areas and overall atmosphere conducive to serious darts play? Stefan) In Pattaya usually poor - to small - to hot only two bars in Pattaya leagues have A/C. In BKK it was a lot better 20 years ago anyway, plenty of bars with A/C and two or more dartboards, now I don’t really know.

DT) Anything specific you'd like to say to dart players in Thailand and readers of DT? Stefan) You need luck to win and be successful in darts and when I played, I found that the more I practiced the luckier I got!

DT) If you have the opportunity for a night or two of darts in Bangkok - our players would love to meet you. I can set up an event or just a simple challenge of the board by rotating players - whatever you prefer. No worries about our darts venues here in Bangkok - all are air conditioned. Stefan) As I said before I stopped playing 15 years ago and don’t want to make a fool of my self if I can help it. But next time I come to BKK you can show me a few darts bars and have a beer or 2 and maybe a game for fun.
All the best    Med Darthälsning  Stefan

LEAGUE OF LEGENDS by Howie Reed is a series that ran in Friday's PATTAYA MAIL. Howie has offered DT the series to be printed here with the permission of Pattaya Mail. A special DT thanks for your kind offer Howie and now that this long over due newsletter is finally online I will get to work adding your series .





  Season 16 of the LSDL sees the league in its 9th year separate into 2 individual Darts Leagues; The LSDL FUN LEAGUE & THE LSDL PREMIER LEAGUE. This season The LSDL Premier League has been opened up to included all of Bangkok.

THE LSDL PREMIER LEAGUE  Season 16 started off on June 17th 2008 with 2 new teams and venues. The league would like to welcome The Other Darts’ from The Old Other Office in SIlom, and Vichai’s TDA. Vichai’s TDA are 2 points clear at the top of the tables. Domino 1982 and The Moe Syzlak Experience continue to battle it out for 2nd and 3rd place, both teams on 4 match points each with 1982 in the lead based on point’s difference. The Titans hold the middle spot but with themselves, Flaming Moes, Domino Seniors & Domino Stone all holding 2 match points each, the standings could go either way after the upcoming round 4. The Other Darts’ team has a postponed game yet to play against Domino 1982.

THE LSDL FUN LEAGUE  The LSDL Fun League kicked off on June 10th 2008 with 12 teams from the lower Sukhumvit area, one new team and venue; The Sports Drink Bar. Now approaching round 5, The Fur Ball Job hold top spot 2 points clear of The Aloha Bar. The Lazy Pelicans who moved over to the Fun League this season, hold 3rd place in the standings. The New Cowboy Bar’ and Pel-I-can battle it out for 4th and 5th place. There’s a similar story for 6th and 7th between The silver Dollar Bar and The Sport Corner Bar who have raised the ante this season coming up from bottom spot in season 15. Last season’s Downunder BarBars team have moved and renamed themselves this time around, Led by Gayle; Larry’s Rebels now play out of Larry’s Loft on Suk soi 22 and hold 8th position out of 12 just above old home venue buddies The DownUnder Wabbilies. Sports Drink Bar captained by K.On’ who moved from The Sports Corner Bar last season to make her own team are in 10th, with The Moon Platoon and White lightening at the bottom of the league tables in the early stage of the season.

Lower Sukhumvit Darts League  
    THURSDAY - 6th  THAILAND  DARTS  LEAGUE           
  Standings as of  Week 12, June 26 for the 6th Thailand Darts League.  
1) Flaming Moe's
2) GPO
3) Domino 1982
4) TOT
5) Domino Stone
6) Offshore

7) The Other Darts
8) D'Pelicans
9) Domino Seniors

Point of contact for this league - Dew at Domino Pub & Restaurant.    dewdomino@hotmail.com


  The Latest from the "Best 501 in Bangkok" Well the 501 Challenge is over! – Web page has been updated. How sad a lot you are!? – Maybe that could be Question # 7 on the forum!  Anyway I have updated the web page and the most excellent dart player in Thailand – well Bangkok is (Drum roll please)
Who managed to 100% of his games)
Runner up is, Tris -the Pom
3rd place goes to Croc Simon
4th Chris the American
5th Jay, ‘Just Jay’
6th Soi Johnny
7th Khun Grant (aka Grandpop, shhhh!)
8th Goes to Keiren – Kaptian K

The Winner of the most real games played is Grant, playing all but one game. . . . Now I did manage to get huge sponsorships for this Challenge. Tiger Beer, Beer Chang managed to give me a year’s supply of free (unlimited) beer. However . . . as no one managed to finish all their games, I was forced to sell said beer at a reduce rate to the little man at the corner of our Soi. Really very sorry about that, as I am sure some of you would have made good use of the prize; there was also a trip – again which was sold as well. If I have missed any games, let me know and I will amend. I did try to fair, but life isn’t and you all didn’t play the game as it should have been played so I am way over it. Signing off, for now. . . . Gayle (aka Nanna, but just about but not quite the plaza!)

Point of contact for this league - Gayle - best501bangkok@gmail.com



Johnnie Walker Black
Jungle Juice
Johnnie Walker Red
Lazy Daze
Pink Flamingo
Dicks Office A
Butterfly Rock
Dicks Office B
Bamboo Grove
Good Friends
Love Bar
These are the latest stats (week 14) that we've received. Our usual write-up is done by the DT's Hua Hin Bureau Chief - our good friend Osmo. Osmo and family are away on a well deserved holiday back to Finland. We here at DT would like to wish Osmo and family all the best for an enjoyable vacation and look forward to your safe return. In the meantime if anyone in the HHDL would like to fill in for Osmo while he's away with a short report - please have at it.

And speaking of Hua Hin darts celebrities - - Sukhumvit Eye is a hardcopy magazine that first hit the stands last January. They are nice enough to use some of our articles and photos for their darts reports. The current June / July issue has our May interview with Osmo along with his photo among other things. Click on their logo for their website where you can find locations where their magazine is on sale. No need to buy one for Osmo - we have one saved for him.

The Hua Hin area
including Cha Am
is darts country.
12 active darts bars
a darts league
and regular
Monday and Friday
darts events.



  After a couple of weeks 'sick leave' Billy came back to Queen Mary with a vengeance. Shared the high score with Alister of Celtic, closed his single from 120 with T20, 20, Tops and closed the beer with 16, 16, Tops.

June 24 results: Queen Mary* 7 - Celtic 2; Offshore* 5 - Sick Buffalo 4;Shakers* 3 - Market Bar 6; Simply Red 3 - Dogs Bollocks* 6;Beach House* 4 - Hilltop 5; Piccadilly bye;(*winner of beer leg)

Standings:1. Queen Mary (32 pts.); 2. Offshore* (28); 3. Market Bar* (26);4.= Dogs Bollocks*, Piccadilly*, Beach House (24);7.= Sick Buffalo*, Shakers (22); 9.= Celtic, Hilltop (17);11. Simply Red (14); (* have had a bye week)

July 8 match-ups: Queen Mary vs Sick Buffalo; Piccadilly vs Dogs Bollocks; Offshore vs Shakers; Celtic vs Market Bar; Beach House vs Simply Red; Hilltop bye; (home team first)  Best Regards - - Steen
  This month DT is proud to introduce Darts Thailand's Phuket Correspondent - Steen - updating us on all the Patong Darts League news. Past featured newsletter "Dart Bar of the Month" were Offshore Bar Dec 07 & Piccadilly Bar March 08. Photos by Jayke, believe it or not. Yes, he does sometime remember to recharge his camera's battery unlike his most recent visit to the Philippines.  


  Recently received an email from Steve of  The Half Moon Pub  in Chiang Mai. Seems I missed linking the pub's website which is now linked on the bar index page or  CLICK HERE  Would also like to welcome Steve as our DT Chiang Mai Correspondent. Although he won't be able to get a report or photos in for this issue we look forward his report next month. Steve did send the URL for the  Chiang Mai Darts League  website  CLICK HERE  The photos here are from DT Senior Correspondent Chris who did an article about his Chiang Mai visit - article in the October 07 Newsletter.  

July, 12th
At Rabiang Restaurant

1st Place (knockout) - Trophy & X,XXX฿
1st Place (bowl) - Trophy & XXX฿
2nd Place (knockout) - XXX฿

For more information call Rabiang Team's Captain or  zyber_space@hotmail.com


  NOTE  For those with a slow internet speed you may have to refresh or reload this page to have all the images load. Sorry for the inconvenience. In the future long newsletters will be broken into two pages to avoid this problem.  



Calling all darters interested in a return match between the Lower Sukhumvit Dart League and the Saigon International Dart League from Vietnam. It was way back on the first two days of September that the Saigon team captained by Rick Horton with twelve players representing SIDL visited us here in Bangkok for the first leg of this challenge match.

We NOW HAVE SIX PLAYERS special thanks to our friends Lance & Ann, Bangkok players now living in Saigon but have kindly agreed to play for our Bangkok team. It's time to set a date for this event. All interested dart players - check your schedules and let me know what dates are good for you and I will stay in touch with Rick until we can nail down a set date.

Ben usually heads up our international darts challenge matches but as he is still in UK I will be subbing for him until he returns. - - Johnny

Darts Thailand - Flaming Moe's Event


by Professor Drink, (deadline-blowin') cub reporter

Darts Thailand - Flaming Moe's EventThe date was April 19th and excitement was in the air, as another 501 knockout was about to kick off at Flaming Moe's. It was one of those nights where anything could happen...new faces arrived and some old winners didn't show. And the surprises were plentiful...

Highlights from the first round saw Chris getting through Danish newcomer Joergen by chucking in an 86 close to negate the great Dane's four tons, Finnish Ray dropping a 180 on Sar en route to a 2-0 victory, Dono puttinf away a stunned Grant, Simon taking a dive to the night's second great Dane, Matthias and Harry eaking out a victory over David.
  Darts Thailand - Flaming Moe's Event
In round two Chris continued his winning ways, sending Jay to the loser's bracket despite his 3 tons and 80 close. Sea-farin' Ray laid the smackdown on Dono, 2-1, to send him to the kiddy table as well. The Danish contingent started leaving their mark as Matthias bumped Harry from into the consolation bracket, and Tom (metaphorically) put the wood to little Lek, sending her to fight it out with the other unfortunates.

Speakin' of the loser's bracket...first round action saw Joergen put a quick end to Scott's night and Grant do the same to Sar. Simon slipped past Harry and the lovely Goy caught a 'bye, which led to a rematch with Lek. This time, Koy got the better of her diminutive sister-in-arms and advanced another round. Meanwhile, in a battle of right jolly blokes, Simon put Darts Thailand - Flaming Moe's Eventan end to Harry's night. Then, for the second time of the evening, Dono and Grant squared off. Whoever said you can't beat a Kiwi twice in the same night was dead wrong as, miraculously, Dono won a tight 2-1 contest, single-handedly ending Grant's evening. Meanwhile, Jay struck a blow for Thailand, sending the first of the Danish invaders, Joergen, packing.
Darts Thailand - Flaming Moe's EventMeanwhile, back on the undefeated side of things...Seafarin' Ray upended teammate Chris on the way to a 2-1 victory and Matthias continued his winning ways by thumping Tom. This set up a classic Danish/Finnish Deathmatch to determine who would play for the Championship. Look, I know next to nothing about European history, but I do know this, on the night Denmark emerged victorious. One contender for the big prize was determined, and his name was Matthias.

Who would square off against the advancing Danish hordes? Let's find out, shall we? Continuing his run of startling upsets, Dono upended Jay 2-0, sending the youngster scurrying off to Patpong to drown his sorrows. If you thought that was an upset, though, wait for the next one. Simon, who hadn't been on top of his game all night, was about to get a big surprise in a little package. And that package was named Goy. The young lovely took down the jolly Aussie by tossing in a seemingly endless string of 80s and 85s. It just seemed like one of those nights from the beginning...
Darts Thailand - Flaming Moe's EventThis set up a Tom vs. Goy showdown and, alas, Goy's Cinderella story had come to an end as Tom beat her handily. Chris put an end to Dono's much less attractive Cinderella bid, as well. Chris and Tom then squared off in an American Civil War, of sorts, and, yet again, the North emerged victorious. Erm...the more I think about it, they're both from the North so, enough with the metaphors, suffice to say, Chris won. This set up the match that would determine who played Matthias for all the marbles...
Darts Thailand - Flaming Moe's Event
In this corner, playing for the Moe Syzlak Experience, boisterous, happy-go-lucky American Chris. In this corner, also representing Syzlak, gruff-yet-lovable Finnish Ray. And, in a night of rematches, this one went the same way, as the big Fin once again bested Chris 2-0 on the strength of 4 tons and an 88 close.

This set up our final rematch of the night. As Ray squared off with the man who sent him to the loser's bracket, Matthias, in the Championship Match. Both men had been steadily improving all night. But, when the smoke settled, Denmark once again emerged victorious as Matthias notched a big 3-0 win and played the best darts of the night. So, congrats to newcomer Matthias who, not only got the well-deserved win, but also was a right friendly sort in the process.

Darts Thailand - Flaming Moe's EventDarts Thailand - Flaming Moe's EventDarts Thailand - Flaming Moe's Event

  Darts Thailand - Flaming Moe's EventWhen all was said and done, those in the winner's circle were as follows:

Champ Matthias, Runner-Up Ray, 3rd Place Chris and 4th should have gone to Tom who ducked out early so Dono raked a prize he didn't quite deserve. There ya go kids. Another one in the books. Special thanks go out to Simon, Grant and Jay who did more than their fair share of scoring as well as to Jay and Ray whose half-assed organizational skills were still at least a quarter-ass better than my own. So, until next time kids, I remain...erm...confused, sleepy and in bad need of a haircut.

Darts Thailand - Flaming Moe's Event

   CORRECTION  - -  Danish ? :-) I think that Jörgen and I are Swedish. Its not easy to remember after some beer Johnny?? Thanks for a funny evening friends. Mattias SWEDEN - That's what I thought, Mattias, but Professor Drink wrote this article from his accurate (?) notes.  

Darts Thailand - Moonshine Pub Event

  Winners Bracket - Well, back at the Moonshine Pub on Sukhumvit Soi 22 on Tuesday 20th May 2008 the infamous 501 monthly darts knockout tourney took place. 24 keen chuckers showed up at roughly the right time and we held the draw.

Darts Thailand - Moonshine Pub EventFirst in, Mike put up his best efforts but in vain as Matt won the game and went through to face Colin from Thursday’s Thailand darts league. Matt throwing top darts won the game sending himself through the next round where he met The Moonshines own Pla. Pla must have tied back her hair and painted love-hate on her knuckles for this competition beating The Wabbilies player Grant who is at the top end of the individual stats in the Tuesdays LSDL Darts League. Grant had won his first game of the night victorious over Brian but melted when Pla rose to the challenge.

In the first round The Aloha Bar captain; Scott lost his game to Tom from the Tuesdays White Lightening darts team. Tom Went through beating Chris and then K.On’ from this season 16’s newest team, The Sports Drink Bar. K.On’ had done well wining her first game against the Moonshine Pubs’ Colin. Colin had shown Brook what he was made of winning his first game.

Darts Thailand - Moonshine Pub EventThen me, yep KaptainX from The Moon Platoon, Had to face Kenny who is coincidently top of the individual standings in the LSDL FUN LEAGUE on Tuesdays. I put a good fight, I think I even got a leg, but not enough as Kenny pulled his sleeves up and kicked me straight out into the Losers brackets. Kenny then won his second game against Harry but then lost in a close game to Aloha bars David. David had won his first 2 games against Soi22Johhny from Silver Dollar and then Gayle from Larry’s Rebels.

In the last set of the winner’s bracket, The Cat’s Meow bars Kai and Steve who now play for Kenny the Darts teams on Tuesdays faced each other off, Steve won and went through but then was sent packing by the Moon Platoons own Tris. Tris playing well went through and beat Kerry from The Fur Ball Job. Kerry had tried his best, beating K.Bai’ and then Andrew in the first round.

Darts Thailand - Moonshine Pub EventThe Losers Brackets - Now, over to the loser’s brackets where we losers’ get our second chance at the top prize, first up I played against Colin from the Thursdays Darts League. I won the game somehow but Johnny showed me how to play darts in the next game where he won and went through only to be beaten by Kerry from The Fur Ball Job. Team mates Kerry and Kenny then went up against each other; Kenny stole the lead and signed Kerry’s fate for the evening. The unlucky Kerry had done well beating Soi22Johhny in his first losers bracket game. Meanwhile Kenny had put an end to the moonshine pub’s Colin on his championship run. Colin had beaten K.Bai’ in the first round of the loser’s brackets and then Chris who had just put a close on Kai’s evening of play. Kenny continued to win and closed down Tom’s final attempt of the tournament.

Darts Thailand - Moonshine Pub EventIn set 2 of the loser’s bracket, Mike beat Harry even though Harry pulled a 180 out his top hat. Brian beat Gayle and then Mike beat Brian. Mike went through, beating K.On’ and then Brooke who had tried his hardest. Brooke won his game against Andrew and then beat Scott who had just put an end to Steve’s darting evening in his first losers bracket match. Next up Darts Thailand - Moonshine Pub EventK.Pla’ V.s Brooke, Brookes knees didn’t give way just yet, Brooke beat Pla and then Mike pulled out the stops and it was all over. Mike went on to beat Tris sending himself through to play against Kenny who was just waiting for his second chance at winning the night. Kenny won the game and then continued on and to beat Matt who had just been booted from the winner’s bracket by David from Aloha Bar on Sukhumvit soi 22.

The Final - So with the finals set to go and the hours growing smaller, David from the winners bracket faced off Kenny. Kenny played well but David was on top of things as he had been all night long, David won the match giving himself the title for May 2008 with a clean no loss’ evening. So David got First place, Kenny came in second, Matt came in 3rd and Mike came in 4th. Prizes were handed out to the top 4 and a lucky draw was held handing 4 more Darts Thailand - Moonshine Pub Eventprizes.

Darts Thailand - Moonshine Pub EventWith Thanks - We would all like to thank Mitch and Wassana and all the lovely staff from the Moonshine pub for a great evening and as normal top prizes and top food. Thanks to Matt from the D'Pelican for helping me out while I was managing to make a right mess of the night’s paper work. Finally thanks to everyone who came down to the event to play or support it. Myself, Mitch and Wassana look forward to seeing you all again in the July Knockout competition at the Moonshine Pub.  See-ya all’ next time…KaptainX.

EDITORS NOTE - Apologies to all in attendance for so few photos. Had a battery on it's last leg and had to save shots for the winners circle at the end of the night.

Saturday - 26  July - 8 PM
"300 Baht buy in with all buy in going toward players bar bill"
Moonshine  Pub - Sukhumvit Soi 22 - Bangkok

  DATE CHANGE  The date for the July Knockout has been changed to 26 July. Reason for the change - the two Buddhist holidays on 17 & 18 July. With the long weekend (17th - 20th) many people will be out of town.  



  Darts Thailand - Jayke's TakeWell after 8 weeks being away, you can relax folk because the legend that is Jayke's Take is back. The petition of 2 people that begged for it's re-instatement on Darts Thailand after The Big Witkowski deemed it too informative and clever for his website have their wish. The 175 who complained have had some people sent round to their houses with pool balls in socks until they see things my way.

Well what has happened? Firstly the thrill of Stoke returning to the Premiership- roll on August, The downer of Dustin the Turkey failing to win the Eurovision song contest for a record 8th time for Ireland with his song 'Irlande douze points' took the shine of it but the Euro 2008 footie is on minus any British team !!!! With no England fans in Austria and Switzerland, who will break all the cafe and bar windows and throw plastic chairs at the police? Maybe the Olympic committee will make it an Olympic event in London 2012, the Brits have to win gold at something.

Anyway have been enjoying Grant's regular quiz items (found on the DT forum) and so this month we're going to test your trivia knowledge with slightly less dart orientated questions-no Googling chaps and chapettes, A selection of your own choice from Mr Donut for the winner.

Here we go- are you smarter than Gayle or a second grader (same thing )
1 From where did darting person Eric Bristow get his nickname 'The Crafty Cockney'?

a It's his real name
b A pub in California
c A London beer
d His mum nicknamed him because he's a gobshite
2 Den Hegarty was the singer with which 70s pop group?

a Double Top
b The arrows
c Darts
d Girl's Aloud
3 Phil Taylor supports which of his local football teams?

a Port Vale
b Stoke City
c Green Bay Packers
d Crewe Alexandra
4 Who had a hit in the 80s with 'Poison Arrow'?

a Madness
c Haircut 100
d The Sooty Braden Showband
5 Who was nicknamed 'The Limestone Cowboy'?

a Rolf Harris
b Bob Anderson
c Keith Dellar
d The dog from 'Frasier'
6 In literature, who had a dog named Bullseye?

a Bill Sykes
b Mr Bump
c Tiny Tim
d Sherlock Holmes
7 Which of the following was a UK cable TV show in the 1990s?

a Darting Priests v Nuns
b Darting pets
c Trampolining celebrity darts
d Topless darts in outer space
8 In which British city was the gameshow 'Bullseye' made?

a Nottingham
b Cardiff
c Tehran
d Belfast
9 Who recently campaigned in the media to stop the demise of darts in UK pubs by recently turning up at his local pub to promote the game?

a Elvis Presley
b Prince Charles
c Hugh Grant
d Sean Connery
10 Who was the first person I ever played in the LSDL and won handsomely ( Things went downhill afterwards I may add )?

a Kenny
b Dancer number 33 with the big knockers at the 'Dollhouse' on Soi Cowboy
c Witkowski
d KaptainX
  Darts Thailand - Jayke's Take - Can cats play darts or is it an urban myth?.
Answers at the bottom of the page - next month Jayke's Take with a serious side as we ask- Can cats play darts or is it an urban myth?

If you scored 10 -You cheat you Googled 9 You're a nerd 6-8 You copied off the boy next to you 4-7 not too shabby 1-3 You must be from Yorksire 0 Your name must be Witkowski

1 b 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 b 6 a 7 d 8 a 9 b 10 d

Later days y'all



  Sad to report that we will not be sending a Thai Champ to William Cross Pro Am. Due to time limitations as well as the time needed to get a visa - just can't do it this year. We would  especially like to thank Kevin A Berlyn - Chairman and Founder of "Dartplayers Australia" for his kind invitation and for thinking about us darters here in Thailand. Kevin is our kind of people - darts people. On behalf of Darts Thailand and all of our players I would like to invite you, Kevin to visit us for some darts and a few pints as well whenever your schedule allows. - - - Johnny

For more information on the William Cross Pro Am  CLICK HERE  or the PDC logo.
To visit the Dartplayers Australia website  CLICK HERE  or the DPA logo.



I hate shopping, except of course for darts, beer and cigars. I was recently back in the Sacramento area of California to visit my folks and they happen to live only a twenty-minute drive from A-Z Darts. Thought it might be interesting to meet the people behind A-Z Darts.

A-Z Darts is a huge operation owned by John Baxter. John (second from left)  is no stranger to Thailand having served in the US Air Force at Undon Air Base from 1970 to 1971. He's been in the darts business since 1989 starting off in Rome NY his last Air Force assignment - retiring five years later and moving to present location in Sacramento, CA.
John was rated 5th in 1987 - 7th in 1988 - 6th in 1989. He was also featured on the cover of Bull's Eye Magazine in 1989.

Working in the store were Eddie Lawrence(4th from left) currently rated 5th - Medalist Darts and Scotty Burnett (3rd from left) currently rated 2nd - Medalist Darts.
  Talking about the game - John says that the decline of steel tip is because of area needed and lighting and overall costs - boards, scoreboards etc. Some places now charge for lighting (usage) of steel tip darts area by the hour. The reason for the increase of soft tip darts - self contained lighting, scoring etc and coin operated game - more profit for venue - ALSO prize money in events offered by soft tip. Overall increase of darts interest because of television. More programs attracting new players as well as those who haven't played in some ten years. A negative factor why many have stopped playing is because of DUI (drunk drive) laws.  
  Asked what John would like to say to DT readers? "Darts is upside down pool and all you have to do is follow through" & "I look forward to visiting Thailand"

John introduced me to all the people working in the store, my apologies for losing the rest of the names. John's wife is Kelly but he called all the other women either another wife or a future wife. For some a job is a job but it was easy to see that this was an atmosphere where people enjoyed what they were doing. Additionally you have word class darts players that can answer any question you may have. I always enjoy shopping and meeting the fine folk at A-Z Darts on visits to my parents. To visit the A-Z Darts website  CLICK HERE  or their logo above. - - Johnny



Darts Thailand - Harry SezHi folks -  think Johnny got a bit fed up with me moaning at him, therefore he has given me my own space in the News Letter. My aim is going to be to try to set things correct that I hear whilst out playing, so if you have a problem Darts related E Mail me at sezharry@gmail.com
Just a few points first,
(A) We will not print your name or the bar/team you play for.
(B) We will not accept attacks against individual players or members of the Committee, you can name The Bar, The Team or The Committee.
(C) Send your correct name when forwarding, we will not print complaints from Noddy and the such (take note Jayke).
(D) Do not ask me who posted complaints, my lips are sealed.
(E) We will also accept compliments you wish to see in print.
So there it goes - get all the things you're talking about off your chest, this will only work with your cooperation.
Darts Thailand - Harry SezNow a few to get started with,
(1) Noticed since the departure of Ben that the throwing areas are falling below standard. Bar Owners and Captains take note, you can't expect your team to win if the set up is not correct.
(2) Lighting - Don't put a 25 watt bulb into a spotlight - MOST OF US CAN'T SEE AS IT IS.
(3) Captains are loading teams, remember you can be voted out as well as in.
(4) Food whilst not compulsory, please feel free to feel guilty if you are getting fed at away games and not at home.
Hope you enjoyed and agreed with those points just a few I heard this week.



  Darts Thailand - Ben MaguireThe actual date - long forgotten. The darts event - Jayke challenges Ben to a best of three of 501 selecting a girl in the bar that can "easily" beat him. Ben's advantage - he's at the top of his game. Jayke's advantage - two maps one of Thailand and the other a world map both out of eye sight of the darts board. The wager - the loser rings the bell buying a round for all in the bar - Jayke covering his selected girl's unlikely loss.

Darts Thailand - Dart Girl CartoonGAME ON - Ben's on fire hitting numbers like a madman. Jayke now seems uninterested in the game and the maps now have his full attention. After Ben throws, Jayke asks, so Ben where exactly are you from in the UK? Ben a bit frustrated knowing Jayke's never forgetting memory of trivial knowledge, remarks how he's got to be drunk but assists Jayke at the map pointing out his home town. In the meantime - Jayke's girl scores well? Again and again Jayke has a geography question for Ben after he shoots. Ben gets increasing frustrated with Jayke telling him he's hopeless when he's had too much to drink but always goes to the maps to answer Jayke's questions. Again and again Jayke's girl is hitting big numbers and closing? Well easy to see how this one turns out - Jayke's girl wins and Ben rings the bell.

So Ben - you've always said that Jayke could teach you nothing about the game of darts. WRONG - "Don't answer geography questions when trying to play a serious game of darts." By the way Ben - thanks for the beer.

Darts Thailand - Johnny "The Big Witkowski"

We're back - late as usual but we're back and hope to be bigger and better in the future. We missed a June issue but will continue a monthly newsletter. With my camera problems there is no Dart Bar of the Month in this issue. However I have already talked to Steve from The Half Moon Pub in Chiang Mai and plan to have his place featured next month.

Special thanks to the increasing number of people contributing to DT. Our goal is to soon have dart reports from all the areas where darts are played throughout Thailand. We're nearly there.

If you're a darter traveling to Thailand by all means pack your darts. New to Thailand? Contact us and we'll point you in the direction of the nearest darts bar. Traveling in a group and want an impromptu darts match - no problem

-  - Johnny "The Big Witkowski"



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